3 November 2020

On this historical day

We believe that the conflict’s military resolution must enter a political phase and we are ready for that. I hope that Armenia’s bitter defeat will compel them to give it a serious thought and make the decision. However, we see the contrary. Ilham Aliyev

The latest situation in the front on November 3

During the day on November 2 and night on November 3, the Armenian armed forces fired at the positions of the units of Azerbaijan Army in different directions of the front and our human settlements using various small arms, howitzers and mortars.

The combat operations continued mainly in the direction of Aghdere, Khojavend, Zangilan and Gubadli. The enemy was forced to retreat with casualties in personnel and military vehicles in some areas of the front.

During the day and nighttime, a large number of enemy troops, 4 – BM-21 “Grad” MLRS, 1 – KUB air defense missile system, 9 – different types of howitzers and 2 – trucks loaded with ammunition were destroyed and wrecked.

At present, our troops are monitoring the operational situation.


Armenia violated ceasefire on the state border again

Armenian armed forces fired at the positions of the Azerbaijan Army on the Armenian-Azerbaijan border using mortars and small arms.

On November 3, from 00:25 a.m. to 04:45 a.m., the positions of our military units located in Tovuz, Gadabay and Dashkesan regions of Azerbaijan were fired by the enemy from the territories of Berd, Chambarak and Vardenis regions of Armenia.


Ilham Aliyev had a phone conversation with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

On November 2, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev had a phone conversation with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

During the conversation, they discussed the issues related to the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, ways to resolve it, and the situation in the combat zone.


Enemy’s tactical UAV was destroyed

On November 3 at 09:50, Azerbaijan Air Defense Units have destroyed an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the Armenian armed forces attempted to carry out a flight over the front.


The enemy fires Fuzuli from the “Smerch”


The Armenian armed forces are shelling the Fuzuli city and the surrounding villages from the Smerch MLRS.


The enemy’s reconnaissance-sabotage group was destroyed in the Zangilan direction

On November 2, another provocation of the enemy was suppressed at the state border with Armenia in the direction of the Zangilan region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

An enemy reconnaissance-sabotage group that attacked our units from the territory of Armenia and attempted to seize the favorable high grounds at the state border was neutralized.

The enemy was forced to retreat, leaving combat casualties and weapons in the area.


The next enemy ammunition depots were destroyed – VIDEO

As a result of actions taken by our units today two more ammunition depots of the Armenian armed forces located near Khankendi were destroyed.


The enemy suffered heavy losses – VIDEO

On November 3, the Armenian armed forces attempted to attack in the Aghdere, Aghdam, and Khojavend directions.

As a result of firm measures taken by our units, the enemy’s attack was prevented and he was forced to retreat, suffering heavy losses.

At present, our troops are monitoring the operational situation.


The enemy is firing at the territory of Aghdam and Aghjabedi regions


Armenian armed forces are again shelling civilian infrastructure in the villages of Aghdam and Aghjabadi regions.

Adequate retaliatory measures are being taken by the units of the Azerbaijan Army.


Enemy tanks were destroyed in the battles near Khojavend – VIDEO

During the battles in the Khojavend direction of the front on November 3, units of the Azerbaijan Army forced enemy’s tank units to retreat from the battlefield.

Several enemy tanks with combat crews were destroyed by the precise fire strikes of our units.

We present video footage showing the moments of the destruction of enemy tanks.


Weapons containing white phosphorus are extremely toxic when inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through burned areas and can have severe negative impacts on human health. Such weapons cause severe, partial to full-thickness thermal and chemical burns. Armenia used phosphorus UXOs

Attacks on civilians or civilian objects as well as on forests or other kinds of plant cover White Phosphorus shells prohibited under the Protocol III on Prohibitions or Restrictions on Use of Incendiary Weapons of UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons of 1980.

Enemy guns were destroyed in the Khojavend direction of the front – VIDEO

On November 3, in the afternoon, three guns of the Armenian armed forces were destroyed in the Khojavend direction of the front.
